Monday, September 6, 2010

Yes I'm still here!!!

Okay, so it's not good to leave a fledgling blog alone after you've just started it.

In my defense, my wife and I have just finished relocating into a MUCH more comfortable, garden-style apartment in Northwest Columbus and we couldn't be happier about it. It's now possible to live in a space where we can be in separate rooms at the same time.

Anyways, a lot has happened over the past three weeks: JuBellation's clinic was great, Forte keeps chugging along, and the chancel choir has gotten back to rehearsing and will return to the church on Homecoming Sunday, 9/12. Very excited to get things moving along.

Don't forget about the Youth Choir either! That'll return on 10/24.

I'll be more proficient on this here blog, I promise...

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