Friday, September 10, 2010


The title indicates a "sigh" of contentment, not "HELLLPP!" At least not yet.

Well, I dunno whats to write this time. I hope Notre Dame beats Michigan. There. Oh yeah, chancel choir starts up again, which is awesome, and JuBellation is getting into a good routine with rehearsing and performances. Can't wait for Forte to sing at Mayfair Village in October.

Nervous but hopeful about kick-starting Youth Choir! We can do it!

The Cubs are dead.

Okay, now this is turning into a random thoughts post.

Listening to the song "Coca-Cola" (that's not how it's spelled though) right now by the Clash. Please tell me I'm not the only one at NWUMC who has London Calling on their iPod.

Shocked that the six-inch oven roasted chicken sub from Subway hasn't tided me over.

Chilly weather=awesome for running.

Wearing a brand new shirt from Banana Republic that Junghwa bought for me. It is fantastic. I'm wearing it again on Homecoming Sunday.

(No, I'm not wearing my ND jersey, because I don't think you want Rocky Boiman playing the organ.)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Yes I'm still here!!!

Okay, so it's not good to leave a fledgling blog alone after you've just started it.

In my defense, my wife and I have just finished relocating into a MUCH more comfortable, garden-style apartment in Northwest Columbus and we couldn't be happier about it. It's now possible to live in a space where we can be in separate rooms at the same time.

Anyways, a lot has happened over the past three weeks: JuBellation's clinic was great, Forte keeps chugging along, and the chancel choir has gotten back to rehearsing and will return to the church on Homecoming Sunday, 9/12. Very excited to get things moving along.

Don't forget about the Youth Choir either! That'll return on 10/24.

I'll be more proficient on this here blog, I promise...